Autism and learning disabilities support
Or maybe you are looking for learning disabilities support?
Local support
Here is a list of some groups within Greater Manchester:
Tameside and Glossop community learning disability service - supporting people with mild, moderate and severe learning disabilities, who are registered with a Tameside or Glossop GP.
Autizma - a ‘positive behaviour change’ learning provider, dedicated to improving the lives of those with autism and associated health conditions.
Better Things - independent charity working with people with learning disabilities promoting inclusion, health and wellbeing.
Breakthrough UK - led by disabled people and supporting other disabled people to work and live independently.
Creative Support - charitable organisation which promotes the independence, inclusion and wellbeing of people with care and support needs, aged 18 and over.
Everybody Can Live Well - Active Tameside supported services programme.
Greater Manchester Autism Consortium - providing information and advice to autistic people, family members, carers and professionals.
I Am - celebrating Autism in Greater Manchester by creating opportunities, and providing a sense of personal freedom and choice.
Noah's A.R.T. - animal assisted wellbeing service passionate about reducing social isolation amongst vulnerable individuals by enhancing the human-animal bond.
Our Kids Eyes - provide confidential advice and support for parents on a large range of subjects, and organise activities.
People First Tameside - a user-led organisation speaking up for the rights of learning disabled people in Tameside.
Salfordautism - led and run by autistic people, Salfordautism exists to support anyone who is, cares for or is affected by someone with an Autistic Spectrum Condition.
SENDIASS - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - free confidential and impartial support to parents and young people.
Tameside Autism Group - a social club with a connection to NHS Autism Nurses.
Tameside Local Offer - website bringing together a range of support services and information for children and young people aged 0-25, with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Tameside Action for Social Communication and Autism Support Group (T.A.S.C.A) - parent-run support group for Autistic children and their families within the Tameside and Glossop area.
The Autumn Group - focus on supporting families caring for children and adults affected by Autism who live in Greater Manchester.
Together Trust - charity providing special education, residential services, fostering, family support and community services.
Turning Point - provides specialist, flexible support to people with a learning disability.
National support
National Autistic Society - provide support, guidance and advice, as well as campaign for improved rights, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for Autistic people.