Latest news and views
Have your say to help fix the NHS
The Government has launched a public consultation for a new 10-year plan for the NHS. Find out why you should have your say.
Public’s confusion over ‘right’ to register with an NHS dentist
Almost two decades after the public lost their right to register permanently with an NHS dentist, new research shows two-thirds believe this right exists.
• Over half of people would like a GP-style registration system for the future.…
• Over half of people would like a GP-style registration system for the future.…
Pharmacy First - How is it working in Tameside?
Healthwatch Tameside are conducting a research project into the Pharmacy First service in Tameside.
Healthwatch in Greater Manchester Pathway to CAMHS survey
Healthwatch in Greater Manchester are interested in hearing from parents and carers who have supported children and young people to access (or trying to access) Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
Tameside residents invited to share their views on GP services
A new survey has been launched to gather feedback from Tameside residents on their experiences of accessing and using GP services in the area.
‘Review culture’ is on the rise, yet only one in ten feed back on health services
Healthwatch Tameside appeals for more people to feedback on NHS care.
Healthwatch Tameside newsletter
Welcome to the digital version of our latest paper newsletter Issue 15 Winter 2024/25
Healthwatch Tameside are looking for Board members
Can you help improve health and social care services in Tameside? Do you want to guide the work of Healthwatch? If so, Healthwatch Tameside wants to…
CQC rating for maternity services at Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust drops from good to requires improvement
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated maternity services at Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust as requires improvement…
Latest reports and publication
September 2024 board minutes
These are the minutes from the Healthwatch Tameside board meeting held on 13th September 2024.
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Healthwatch in Greater Manchester: Pathways to CAMHS
Healthwatch in Greater Manchester explore the realities of child and adolescent mental health services in the city region.
Find out more