Healthwatch Tameside Cost of Living report

Healthwatch Tameside publishes its Cost of Living report.

Healthwatch Tameside is the independent consumer champion for health and social care in Tameside. We listen to local people and gather information about their experiences of using health and social care services, and feed these back to commissioners and providers to help influence change. 

In this report, we share the work we have done to understand how the rising cost of living is impacting people living in Tameside. In particular, we wanted to get a better idea of how it is affecting people’s health, both mental and physical. Understanding how people are being affected by the rising costs of living will help the health and care system in Tameside to direct resources and information to those in most need. It will also help to understand any gaps in existing support. 

Healthwatch Tameside gathered feedback from Tameside residents on the impact of the rising cost of living and analysed this data to produce a report of findings, highlighting common themes which were raised in the feedback, alongside statistics to provide context. Data was gathered via a survey which was available to complete online, on paper, via QR code, and over the phone. The survey ran from March to August 2023, and had 331 responses overall. 

This report will be sent to local providers and commissioners, to demonstrate the impact that the rising cost of living has had on health and care in Tameside. 


Healthwatch Tameside Cost of Living Report

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